Moscow Mathematical Journal
Volume 17, Issue 4, October–December 2017 pp. 717–740.
The Resultant of Developed Systems of Laurent Polynomials
Let RΔ(f1, ..., fn+1) be the Δ-resultant (defined in the
paper) of (n+1)-tuple of Laurent polynomials. We provide an algorithm
for computing RΔ assuming that an n-tuple (f2, ..., fn+1) is developed.
We provide a relation between the product of f1 over roots of f2 = ··· =
fn+1 = 0 in (C*)n and the product of f2 over roots of f1 = f3 = ··· =
fn+1 = 0 in (C*)n assuming that the n-tuple (f1f2, f3, ..., fn+1) is
developed. If all n-tuples contained in (f1, ..., fn+1) are developed we
provide a signed version of Poisson formula for RΔ. In our proofs we use
topological arguments and topological version of the Parshin reciprocity
laws. 2010 Math. Subj. Class. 14M25.
A. G. Khovanskii (1) and Leonid Monin (2)
Author institution:(1) Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Canada; Moscow Independent University, Moscow, Russia
(2) Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Keywords: Newton polyhedron, Laurent polynomial, developed system, resultant, Poisson formula, Parshin reciprocity laws.
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