P. Cartier

Pierre Cartier

This issue of the Moscow Mathematical Journal, published jointly with the Société Mathématique de France, is dedicated to Pierre Cartier, a great mathematician, a profound teacher, a delightful person, a member of the MMJ editorial board, and a devoted friend of the Independent University of Moscow.

When the idea of celebrating Pierre Cartier's seventieth birthday was first broached, it was obvious that the best way to do it was to organize a conference on the latest research that would reflect his many and ever so varied scientific interests. Only a year-long conference could have done that, but university calendars and colleagues' obligations being what they are, such a long event was out of the question. We had to settle for an intensive two-day conference, June 17—18, 2002, in which we endeavoured to do justice to his great enthusiasm and curiosity. Who should be invited to speak? We thought of asking Cartier to deliver all the talks himself, and indeed he could have done it, and it would have been wonderfully alert and rich, a treat for all of us, but we had to put that idea aside in favour of the more conventional and natural thing. We invited as many of Cartier's long-time friends, colleagues and former students to speak as time allowed, and several others have added their contributions to this volume.

Announcements, posters and word of mouth attracted a large crowd to the École Normale Supérieure, not only to attend a programme that promised excellent lectures but to show, by their presence, their admiration and affection for Pierre.

All his friends have had many opportunities to enjoy conversations with Pierre, on mathematical subjects of course, but also on a host of other subjects, scientific or philosophical, historical or political. We never cease to be amazed by his ability to enter new domains of learning and research, and to present what he found there with infectious enthusiasm and complete clarity, always penetrating to the most fundamental core of any subject that has attracted his interest. He has always been ready to share his ideas generously, with friends and colleagues. He instills his love of understanding and explaining into all of us. This volume is our tribute to him.

J.-P. Bourguignon, M. Broué, F. Digne, G. Henniart,
Yu. Ilyashenko, B. Keller, Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach,
M. Rosso, A. Sossinsky, M. Tsfasman

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Ma première rencontre avec Pierre Cartier remonte à 1976 où je l'avais côtoyé à l'IHES. Je me souviens précisément que, à peine de retour à la maison, j'avais dit à mon épouse Danye:

“Ah, je viens de rencontrer un type formidable. Il comprend tout, il a une curiosité insatiable et une ouverture d'esprit hors du commun. En plus il a l'air sportif et il vient à Bures en vélo.”

Vingt-six ans ont passé et Pierre est toujours aussi jeune, aussi dynamique et on a toujours autant envie de lui ressembler.

Pierre, tu as toujours été pour moi le meilleur modèle, par ton attitude exemplaire devant la science toute de générosité et de réussite.

Il est réconfortant pour nous tous d'avoir la chance de connaître un homme aussi complet, cultivé, tonifiant, à l'intelligence aussi vive et excitante et aux valeurs morales aussi belles.

A. Connes

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La liste des publications de Pierre Cartier révèle des affiliations aux quatre coins du monde, des collaborateurs de tous niveaux—des jeunes étudiants aux grands maîtres des mathématiques, et un vaste panorama de travaux dans une variété étonnnante de spécialités, de l'algèbre et de la géométrie algébrique à l'analyse et aux probabilités, en passant par la physique mathématique et la philosophie des sciences.

Impossible de résumer l'étendue de l'œuvre de Cartier, mais j'en retiendrai un trait saillant: il me semble que l'élégance se manifeste dans tous ses travaux. Elle n'y est pas seulement une qualité esthétique, mais une qualité intellectuelle qui aide le lecteur à maîtriser des idées complexes.

Que ce volume d'articles sur des sujets extrêmement divers soit le reflet de vos intérêts si variés, Pierre.

C. DeWitt-Morette

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