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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 16, Issue 2, Fall 1986

Some new elements in the class $A_{\aleph_0}$
George Exner
J. Operator Theory pp. 203-212
Abstract, references and article information
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The characterization of differential operators by locality: C*-algebras of type I
Ola Bratteli, George A. Elliott and Derek W. Robinson
J. Operator Theory pp. 213-233
Abstract, references and article information
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Surgery on spectral sets
Joseph G. Stampfli
J. Operator Theory pp. 235-243
Abstract, references and article information
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M-ideals and ideals in L(X)
Chong-Man Cho and William B. Johnson
J. Operator Theory pp. 245-260
Abstract, references and article information
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A short proof of "injectivity implies hyperfiniteness" for finite von Neumann algebras
Sorin Popa
J. Operator Theory pp. 261-272
Abstract, references and article information
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Tensor products of linear operators in Banach spaces and Taylor's joint spectrum
Volker Wrobel
J. Operator Theory pp. 273-283
Abstract, references and article information
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Twisted coboundary operator on a tree and the Selberg principle
Pierre Julg and Alain Valette
J. Operator Theory pp. 285-304
Abstract, references and article information
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Strong Morita equivalence, spinors and symplectic spinors
R. J. Plymen
J. Operator Theory pp. 305-324
Abstract, references and article information
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Un exemple d'operateur pour lequel les topologies faible et ultrafaible ne coincident pas sur l'algebre duale
Gilles Cassier
J. Operator Theory pp. 325-333
Abstract, references and article information
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Relative entropy of states: a variational expression
Hideki Kosaki
J. Operator Theory pp. 335-348
Abstract, references and article information
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Proprietes spectrales d'un operateur sans sous-espace invariant
B. Beauzamy
J. Operator Theory pp. 349-353
Abstract, references and article information
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Matrix pavings and Laurent operators
H. Halpern, V. Kaftal and G. Weiss
J. Operator Theory pp. 355-374
Abstract, references and article information
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Growth conditions on the resolvent and membership in the classes A and $A_{\aleph_0}$
B. Chevreau and C. Pearcy
J. Operator Theory pp. 375-385
Abstract, references and article information
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Stable range for tensor products of extensions of $\cal K$ by C(X)
V. Nistor
J. Operator Theory pp. 387-396
Abstract, references and article information
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