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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 71, Issue 2,  Spring  2014

Strong dual factorization property
Denis Poulin
J. Operator Theory pp. 303-326
Abstract, references and article information
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A functional model for pure $\Gamma$-contractions
Tirthankar Bhattacharyya and Sourav Pal
J. Operator Theory pp. 327-339
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The kernel of the determinant map on certain simple $C^*$-algebras
P.W. Ng
J. Operator Theory pp. 341-379
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Invertible Toeplitz products, weighted norm inequalities, and $\mathrm{A}_p$ weights
Joshua Isralowitz
J. Operator Theory pp. 381-410
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Paragrassmann algebras as quantum spaces, Part II: Toeplitz Operators
Stephen Bruce Sontz
J. Operator Theory pp. 411-426
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Strongly $n$-supercyclic operators
Romuald Ernst
J. Operator Theory pp. 427-453
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The ideal of weakly compactly generated operators acting on a Banach space
Tomasz Kania and Tomasz Kochanek
J. Operator Theory pp. 455-477
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On multi-hypercyclic abelian semigroups of matrices on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$
Adlene Ayadi and Habib Marzougui
J. Operator Theory pp. 479-490
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Elementary proofs of Grothendieck theorems for completely bounded norms
Oded Regev and Thomas Vidick
J. Operator Theory pp. 491-506
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Amalgamated free products of commutative $C^*$-algebras are residually finite-dimensional
Anton Korchagin
J. Operator Theory pp. 507-515
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Homomorphisms into simple ${\cal Z}$-stable $C^*$-algebras
Huaxin Lin and Zhuang Niu
J. Operator Theory pp. 517-569
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Linear orthogonality preservers of Hilbert $C^*$-modules
Chi-Wai Leung, Chi-Keung Ng, and Ngai-Ching Wong
J. Operator Theory pp. 571-584
Abstract, references and article information
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$k$-hyponormality and $n$-contractivity for Agler-type shifts
Gregory T. Adams and George R. Exner
J. Operator Theory pp. 585-600
Abstract, references and article information
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